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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
legible/illegible (=written clearly/not written clearly enough for you to read)
▪ He writes very quickly and his handwriting is almost illegible.
▪ Is the date on the coin still legible?
▪ The letter was torn and dirty but still legible.
▪ All entries must be on an official entry form and legible.
▪ Even so, escape sequences are only barely legible.
▪ It's unlikely to be silver, as there are no assay marks, but the registered design mark is still legible.
▪ On the inside, as promised, was a label, printed black on gold, scratched and ink-stained but clearly legible.
▪ The price must be clearly legible to a prospective purchaser and clearly identifiable as referring to the goods in question.
▪ This is partly because its product, type, must be familiar if it is to be legible.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Legible \Leg"i*ble\ (l[e^]j"[i^]*b'l), a. [L. legibilis, fr. legere to read: cf. OF. legible. See Legend.]

  1. Capable of being read or deciphered; distinct to the eye; plain; -- used of writing or printing; as, a fair, legible manuscript.

    The stone with moss and lichens so overspread, Nothing is legible but the name alone.

  2. Capable of being discovered or understood by apparent marks or indications; as, the thoughts of men are often legible in their countenances.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from Late Latin legibilis "that can be read," from Latin legere "to read" (see lecture (n.)). Related: Legibly.


a. Being clear enough to be read, readable, particularly for handwriting.


adj. (of handwriting, print, etc.) able to be read; "legible handwriting" [ant: illegible]

Usage examples of "legible".

He said as much while he was examining a paper I had written, and as my writing was not as legible as his he tacitly told me I was his inferior, and that I should therefore treat him with some degree of respect.

Then Cranston saw a battered sign pointing to Pomelo City, the name scarcely legible.

I glanced through the topmost volume and saw that the pages were a thickish grade of vellum, and that every page was filled with a roughish handwriting that was not instantly legible, although it was written in English.

The writing was as legible as if it had been typeset, each letter shod and gloved with serifs, the parentheses neatly crimped, the wavy hyphens like stylized bolts of lightning.

For the rest, it measured ten and a half inches in length by seven in width, was about a quarter of an inch thick, and densely covered on the convex side that lay towards the bottom of the box with writing in the later uncial Greek character, faded here and there, but for the most part perfectly legible, the inscription having evidently been executed with the greatest care, and by means of a reed pen, such as the ancients often used.

The handwriting, too, is clear and legible, whether capital, uncial, or minuscule.

XVIII ORDEAL Reviewing the day, as she undressed and prepared for bed, Sofia told herself she had never yet lived through one so wearing, and thought the history of its irksome hours all too legible in the lack-lustre face that looked back from the mirror when Chou Nu uncoifed her hair and brushed its burnished tresses.

The present work was in a yellowing envelope on top of the other papers, no doubt the last item placed in the box, and consisted of 346 sheets of ordinary unruled bond paper, numbered and covered on one side with the firm, legible hand of John Watson.

Like the others, Adams and Jefferson each signed with his own delegation, Adams on the right, in a clear and firm, plain hand, Jefferson at lower center with a signature more precise and elegant, but equally legible.

In part of one old volume of court records, the ink, while not injuring the paper or becoming illegible upon the face of the leaves, has gradually become legible upon the reverse, while the heavy paper has been impervious to the other inks used.

Theirs is the Book of the River of Life, to read Leaf by leaf by reapers of long-sown seed: There doth our shoot up to light from a spiriting sane Stand as a tree whereon numberless clusters grow: Legible there how the heart, with its one false move Cast Eurydice pallor on all we love.

Marie rewrote it, cutting it down to the current version and making it more legible.

Half an hour afterwards she came to me, crying bitterly, and she placed in my hands this letter, which was scarcely legible: "I have not strength enough to write to you, my darling.

If the manifest of ingredients on the bottle had been legible, it would have read something like this: Water, blackstrap molasses, imported habanero peppers, salt, garlic, ginger, tomato puree, axle grease, real hickory smoke, snuff, butts of clove cigarettes, Guinness Stout fermentation dregs, uranium mill tailings, muffler cores, monosodium glutamate, nitrates, nitrites, nitrotes and nitrutes, nutrites, natrotes, powdered pork nose hairs, dynamite, activated charcoal, match-heads, used pipe cleaners, tar, nicotine, singlemalt whiskey, smoked beef lymph nodes, autumn leaves, red fuming nitric acid, bituminous coal, fallout, printer's ink, laundry starch, drain deaner, blue chrysotile asbestos, carrageenan, BHA, BHT, and natural flavorings.

Though the hut remains barred, doweled, chinkless, and in hospitable, there is a note, snow-powdered and barely legible, stuck on barkless Black Forest wood: "Stockingcap has to read Plato in the valley.