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n. (plural of lateral English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: lateral)

Usage examples of "laterals".

The skin under the retainers was flushed with the heat, and his laterals throbbed unmercifully.

Valleroy noted carefully just how much smaller were the moist, pink-gray laterals compared to the strong, dry-skinned dorsals and ventrals.

But the laterals, the selyn transport nerves…" He turned away as if to retch again, but regained command quickly.

Let it further be recorded that he died because his laterals were severed above the…"

The sensitive laterals were half extended, seeking the cold to numb the pain.

He didn't feel anything happening except the nearly imperceptible vibration of the moist laterals against his skin.

The dorsal and ventral handling tentacles gripped and immobilized, protecting the exposed laterals from sudden disengagement.

Valleroy could appreciate how vulnerable a Sime must feel with those nerve-rich laterals unsheathed.

The moist laterals slithered around his arms, sensitizing his skin in hot streaks.

Pressure on any one of those nodes can immobilize or kill any Sime when his laterals are extended.

There was an angry welt rising across the right hand dorsal sheaths, but apparently all four laterals were unharmed.

With his left hand, the Sime gripped Valleroy's left hand, extending his laterals in the same position he'd used to accomplish the internal shunt.

Restively, he massaged his laterals in that peculiar mannerism that so disturbed Valleroy.

His laterals were retracted far up into his lateral sheaths, tensed against the onslaught of the Gen's nager.

At the same time, he slid his need-moistened laterals into contact with the Gen's skin, and at once his entire nervous system resonated to every detail of the Gen's anatomy.