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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Kolarian \Ko*la"ri*an\, n. (Ethnol.) An individual of one of the races of aboriginal inhabitants which survive in Hindustan. -- a. Of or pertaining to the Kolarians.


According to Cust & Cust, Kolarian is a word first used by George Campbell. He described it as one of the three non-Aryan language families of India, which he made up, along with the Tibeto-Burman and the Dravidian.

Cust & Cust conjecture that the language family originated in the plateau of Tibet, its speakers were found in the then colonial provinces of Bengal, Madras and the Central provinces. They include the following languages as belonging to the group:

  1. Sonthal
  2. Mundari, Bhumji, Ho, or Kole
  3. Kharia
  4. Juanga
  5. Korwa
  6. Kur
  7. Savara
  8. Mehto
  9. Gadaba
  10. Mal-Paharia

Usage examples of "kolarian".

Cheroos and Kharwars, Parheyas, Kisans, Bhuikers, Boyars, Nagbansis, Kaurs, Mars, Bhunyiars, Bendkars form another great group apart from the Kolarians and Dravidians, and approximating more to the Indian variety of the Japetic class.