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n. (plural of kobold English)

Usage examples of "kobolds".

In front of him stood a group of fifty trembling kobolds, bunched together at the side of the cavern.

The kobolds obediently followed all night and most of the next day, then he left them in an abandoned barn.

Not far away, in a group of abandoned farm buildings, the kobolds waited.

Then, from an intersecting passage just beyond the goblins, came another shout and the kobolds rushed into sight again.

It was increasing in size as more goblins and kobolds charged out of the narrow gorges.

Judging by the sounds in the distance, the goblins and the kobolds would be too busy with each other to chase them.

He never should have stepped into the middle of the fight between the goblins and the kobolds," Trap said as he began his story.

Kaldre lead the band of kobolds, as you ordered, but a group of goblins attacked him.

Goblins not withstanding, how could Kaldre and the kobolds have missed the kender and the merchesti?

Soon after he found himself leading the kobolds along a muddy track free of any prints.

He forced the protesting kobolds up the steep sides of the mountain until he spotted the party traveling around the hills just west of the mountains.

His expressed reason for his impatience was to join the band of kobolds that were waiting to ambush the travelers.

Still, once the kobolds sprung the trap, he could be on them before they had time to search the kender.

The humanoid was the leader of the band that had attacked the kobolds in the maze of gullies at the southern tip of the Vingaard Mountains.

Their battles were usually against their own kind, kobolds, or humans, and neither of the two had ever found themselves in conversation with their enemies.