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The Collaborative International Dictionary

knockabout \knock"a*bout`\, a.

  1. Marked by knocking about or roughness.

  2. Of noisy and violent character; marked by farce, pratfalls, and horseplay; as, knockabout comedy. [Theat. Slang]

    Syn: boisterous, slapstick.

  3. Characterized by, or suitable for, knocking about, or traveling or wandering hither and thither; suitable for use in rough activity; suited for everyday use; -- used especially of clothing.

    Syn: casual, everyday.

  4. That does odd jobs; -- said of a class of hands or laborers on a sheep station. [Collog., Australia]


a. boisterous n. 1 (context sailing English) A small sailboat lacking a bowsprit, of a type found primarily in the Massachusetts area 2 (context entertainment English) A slapstick comedy or comedian. 3 (context circus English) A tumbler. 4 Clothing suitable for rough use. 5 A worker habitually engaged in casual employment. 6 A person living in rough, violent conditions.

  1. adj. full of rough and exuberant animal spirits; "boisterous practical jokes"; "knockabout comedy" [syn: boisterous]

  2. suitable for rough use; "a knockabout overcoat"; "a knockabout old car"

  3. n. a sloop with a simplified rig and no bowsprit

Knockabout (film)

Knockabout (Chinese:雜家小子; Za jia xiao zi) is a 1979 Hong Kong martial arts comedy film starring Yuen Biao and directed by Sammo Hung, who also co-stars in the film.


Knockabout may refer to:

  • Cape Cod Knockabout, a type of boat
  • Knockabout (film), a 1979 Hong Kong martial arts film
  • Knockabout Comics, a comic publisher

Usage examples of "knockabout".

Leonard introduced them to a young fellow named Weathers who was performing at the Tivoli as an acrobat and knockabout artiste.

Joey ribaldry or toby pathos, the horse laugh or the weary smile, joey cunning or toby helplessness, pure pantomime or a pista full of props, joey knockabout or toby melancholy.

Let him and Zanni close the show with a slambang, knockabout spill-and-pelt.

Kesperle and the Emeraldina were already doing their knockabout routine in preparation for the show-closing Lupino mirror act.

The above are well known on the South Coast as sound, wholesome knockabout boats, with ample cruising accommodation.

Heart-throbbing romance and knockabout comedy and nerve-racking suspense.

The floor show ran its usual course of comic master of ceremonies, girl singer, and knockabout comedy team in funny clothes.

The confrontation with the homeward-bounders, when it finally occurred, had all the makings of a Navy knockabout, hall marked Richard Kaye.

The assassins were a pair of knockabout Tolnedran footpads, and they were no match at all for my little Drasnian friend.

There had been something like vaudeville--say Signor Givens and his funny knockabout act with the stuffed lion.

He liked plays with shooting in them, and knockabout farce--anything indeed with a noise in it.

The stage turns were ridiculous, knockabout comedians whose garbled patter was all Greek to her, gaudily costumed female singers who were terrible, and male singers who were even worse.

Let him and Zanni close the show with a slambang, knockabout spill-and-pelt.

He’d picked the one on Oahu, mostly because he’d been recalling youthful days—his first youth—sailing a knockabout around among the Islands and beachcombing on them with a delightful young woman.

By the time the audience gave its attention to the pista again, the band was blaring away in the "Wedding March," and Fünfünf, the Kesperle and the Emeraldina were already doing their knockabout routine in preparation for the show-closing Lupino mirror act.