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n. The female equivalent of a journeyman.

Usage examples of "journeywoman".

Menolly and her rise from unappreciated daughter to Journeywoman Harper and keeper of fire-lizards.

How lucky they all were that a Healer journeywoman had come with the others.

Assuring them that all in his hold had been injected by none other than Journeywoman Healer Desdra, Thaniel wanted to add that the only ill effect was his old runnerbeast shrieking from the appearance of dragons every day.

To become a journeywoman who owned her own shop and to find a decent man to marry.

A journeywoman teller of news, Marghe translated, though obviously with some ritual function.

I held Sim, who was, in any case, not at all eager to return to his labors in the scullery, and quickly penned a note to Journeywoman Desdra, suggesting that Fort Hold's apothecary supplies were at her disposal.