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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Scottish form of other.

Usage examples of "ither".

Hallowein last bypast, at twelff houris at even or thairby, thow, the said Thomas Leyis, accompaneit with umquhil Janett Wischert, Isobel Coker, Isobel Monteithe, Kathren Mitchell, relict of umquhil Charles Dun, litster, sorceraris and witches, with ane gryt number of ither witches, cam to the mercat and fish cross of Aberdene, under the conduct and gyding of the dewill, present with you all in company, playing before you on his kynd of instruments.

The Kirk has made the yett of grace ower wide for sinful men, and all ither yetts ower narrow.

Borderer stock, but there still be ithers who swear him tae be outen the Empire and he does hold lands in the Carpathian Marches, being styled Markgraf von Velegrad.

Yonder, and when we won to it we were just about fornent whaur you and Mr Kinloch were on the ither side.

But ye see, he said the Lord was merciful to ither fowk whan he rendert to the wicked the punishment due to them.

I alloo the sin itsel mayna be jist damnable, but to what bouk mayna it come wi ither and waur sins upo the back o' 't?

Wi' loan o' Tara troops, me force were near twicet agin the o' ony ithers, an' as King Ahmladh IV, Tim now be into if secun' year o' his reign, is wedded a year tae a pretty, little thing oof 'n the Hoose o' Muma an' she's a-nursin' a foine, strappin' bouchal twa moon, noo.

Ither a very brite flash ov lite or a shok wave & certinly boaf, witch is whot I woz gettin heer.