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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Invisible green

Invisible \In*vis"i*ble\, a. [F. invisible, L. invisibilis. See In- not, and Visible.]

  1. Incapable of being seen; not perceptible by vision; not visible. Specifically:

    1. Not visible due to an inherent property, such as lack of color; as, the invisible air; invisible ink;

    2. hidden from view; out of sight;

    3. Not perceptible due to lack of light;

    4. Too small or too distant to be perceived; as, people on the ground invisible at cruising altitude.

      To us invisible, or dimly seen In these thy lowest works.

  2. Hidden from the public; as, invisible transactions.

  3. imperceptible to the mind; as, differences invisible to most observers.

    Invisible bird (Zo["o]l.), a small, shy singing bird ( Myadestes sibilons), of St. Vincent Islands.

    Invisible green, a very dark shade of green, approaching to black, and liable to be mistaken for it.

invisible green

n. A very dark shade of green that is almost black.

Usage examples of "invisible green".

Chick was lying flat on the floor watching an almost invisible green thread weave intricate patterns in the air three feet above his nose.