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n. (plural of interstate English)

Usage examples of "interstates".

At one point the searchers gathered on the north edge of the woods, near the interstates, and marched shoulder-to-shoulder across the woods until they emerged on the other side, near the houses to the south.

A few months later he signed on as a partner in a pawn business that operated on the service road alongside the interstates, near the Blue Beacon Truck Wash.

With the federal Drug Enforcement Administration estimating that one in every eighty-five vehicles on the interstates carried illegal drugs or drug money, property seized from vehicles had become a major source of income for rural Crittenden County.

They flew along the interstates, whizzing by small towns and fields dotted with cattle.

The agent reported that there were vehicle checkpoints established on all the interstates in Georgia, with a double barrier on the Carolina and Tennessee borders.