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a. of, relating to, or between different cultures

Usage examples of "intercultural".

Utilizing this product, Elkannah Skettle and his colleagues intended for the widely advertised Dawn Intercultural Fair to give off even more heat than its organizers intended.

The Humanx Intercultural Fair on Dawn would be the first and last of its kind.

He smiled feebly and bowed, and told her he was sorry, and said good-bye politely, and slunk back to his hootch where he could lick his reopened intercultural wounds alone.

I call to mind the specific language of the Treaty Mospheira which calls for experimental contacts in s ence leading to agreements of definition and unequivo terminology, with a view tofuture intercultural coope tions under the appointment of appropriate atevi offic This seems to me one of those areas in which coop ation could work to the benefit of atevi, widening int cultural understanding, fulfilling all provisions of t Treaty wherein .

Chinese, was a deeply woven structure through which he tried to guide his intercultural assumptions.

He almost prayed they would have a flat tire, so that they might get to enjoy a unique intercultural experience.

Sheckley deftly balances a comedy of intercultural misunderstandings against a genuinely moving tale of a man who finds the world changing in ways he can never quite grasp.

Treaty of Mospheira which calls for experimental contacts in science leading to agreements of definition and unequivocal terminology, with a view to future intercultural cooperations under the appointment of appropriate atevi officials.

I said, hoping, if the offer were more than I could possibly handle, that I could plead an intercultural misunderstanding and escape.

The more intellectual millennialists had at least produced some useful, if slanted, material: careful studies of parallels with intercultural contact in Earth’s past, ranging from the dreadful fall-out of Western colonialism through to the essentially benevolent impact of the transmission of learning from Arabian and ancient Greek cultures to the medieval West.

The debate between the Yielders and the Preservationists contains echoes of issues that divide our world--tensions between development and conservation, and between intercultural respect and universal values.