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n. (plural of inspection English)

Usage examples of "inspections".

The key difference between the policy of deter rence and that of containment in the Iraq context is that deterrence would effectively give up on both inspections and sanctions and allow Saddam to build WMD, counting on the military power of the United States--and, ultimately, our own nuclear arsenal--to deter him from new aggressions.

In the abstract, this seems like a reasonable approach and one that avoids the trap of inspections and the high costs of regime change.

The hawks, led by Indyk and Parris, countered that the United States could hold the line for as long as it wanted if the administration was willing to make Iraq a priority and push back hard whenever Iraq or one of its advocates challenged the sanctions, inspections, or other elements of containment.

WMD programs, obstruction of the inspections, and human rights abuses, Albright got a strong endorsement for a hard line on Iraq from all of the countries she visited.

Thus, a return to inspections would also mean reviving the sanctions and shutting down the smuggling, meaning that pursuing the inspections route requires not only finding a way out of the inspections trap, but also solving all of the problems of fixing the sanctions and eradicating the smuggling.

As with reforming the sanctions, there is a school of thought that argues that if the United States were willing to threaten a full-scale invasion of Iraq, both the Iraqis and their advocates in the United Nations would be willing to accept a robust inspections regime as their only alternative.

However, the United States countered that such a deadline was not part of Resolution 687 and would introduce artificial constraints into the inspections, something the Security Council had studiously avoided.

Meanwhile, Saddam remained determined to halt the inspections before the inspectors uncovered his clandestine programs and stockpiles, and he was still looking to provoke a crisis with the United Nations to speed the lifting of sanctions.

However, before the Security Council could act, UNSCOM Chairman Ekeus flew to Baghdad and negotiated a new agreement on inspections with Iraq that infuriated the U.

On the other hand, he may have been feeling confident and, after the muted reaction in the Security Council to the VX discovery, decided that the time was now ripe to bring his strategy to a head and end the inspections altogether.

Saddam to undermine the inspections himself, flout the authority of the Security Council, and make the United States look impotent.

Pure deterrence--lifting the sanctions, writing off the inspections, ending the NFZs, and drawing down the level of U.

In truth, the sanctions were always more important than the inspections, if only because it was clear from the start that Saddam never intended to cooperate with the inspectors and would probably be able to keep his WMD programs intact and functioning despite their best efforts.

The inspectors themselves will tell anyone who asks them that there is only so much inspections can do if the Iraqi government refuses to cooperate.

In other words, inspections are purely voluntary and the monitors do not actively attempt to uncover smugglers.