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n. (misspelling of insistence English)

Usage examples of "insistance".

And he knew now that Regis’ refusal to actively rule the Domains, his insistance on hiding within Comyn Castle, had led to resentment in the common people.

At Lujan’s insistance, they had authorized him to monitor things from a distance, unofficially, and to take all necessary action if the situation called for it.

It jarred with Brohier's insistance on calling the Terabyte site a 'campus', because fences and checkpoints had not been part of Horton's college experience at Stanford, or Purdue, or Tennessee State.

He demanded, at first politely and calmly, and later--when denied--with arrogant insistance, that Gian Maria should provide the Duke of Valentinois with a hundred lances--equivalent to five hundred men--as some contribution on his part towards the stand which Caesar Borgia meant to make against the impending French invasion.