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inguinal canal

n. oblique passage through the lower abdominal wall; in males it is the passage through which the testes descend into the scrotum and it contains the spermatic cord; in females it transmits the round ligament of the uterus [syn: canalis inguinalis]

Inguinal canal

The inguinal canal is a passage in the anterior abdominal wall that in men conveys the spermatic cord and in women the round ligament of uterus. The inguinal canal is larger and more prominent in men. There is one inguinal canal on each side of the midline.

Usage examples of "inguinal canal".

This pushes the testicles just slightly back up the inguinal canal.

On both sides, just a bit over the inguinal canal, which I would deem orthodox scars for the removal of testicles.

Well, by assiduously massaging those parts, he is able, after much practice, to cause the testicles to re-enter the body up the inguinal canal down which they originally descended.