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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Thatcher called the plan for a single European currency impracticable.
▪ A corporate financial analyst then pointed out that the compensation formula Dave had developed would be impracticable on a company-wide level.
▪ He had explained that the amount of paperwork involved made it impracticable, but he was sure they hadn't believed him.
▪ Laws had even been passed in some authoritarian societies limiting families to two children, but their enforcement had proved impracticable.
▪ Owen's own first chosen vehicle, the co-operative community, had become an irrelevance and was seen to be impracticable.
▪ The operation would be totally impracticable.
▪ There is a point beyond which it becomes impracticable to continue.
▪ Total calibration against the full range of particle size combinations and particle shapes is impracticable.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Impracticable \Im*prac"ti*ca*ble\, a.

  1. Not practicable; incapable of being performed, or accomplished by the means employed, or at command; impossible; as, an impracticable undertaking.

  2. Not to be overcome, persuaded, or controlled by any reasonable method; unmanageable; intractable; not capable of being easily dealt with; -- used in a general sense, as applied to a person or thing that is difficult to control or get along with.

    This though, impracticable heart Is governed by a dainty-fingered girl.

    Patriotic but loyal men went away disgusted afresh with the impracticable arrogance of a sovereign.

  3. Incapable of being used or availed of; as, an impracticable road; an impracticable method.

    Syn: Impossible; infeasible. -- Impracticable, Impossible. A thing is impracticable when it can not be accomplished by any human means at present possessed; a thing is impossible when the laws of nature forbid it. The navigation of a river may now be impracticable, but not impossible, because the existing obstructions may yet be removed. ``The barons exercised the most despotic authority over their vassals, and every scheme of public utility was rendered impracticable by their continued petty wars with each other.''
    --Mickle. ``With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.''
    --Matt. xix. 26.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"incapable of being done," 1670s, from assimilated form of in- (1) "not, opposite of" + practicable. Earlier in a sense of "impassable" (1650s).


a. 1 Not practicable; impossible or difficult in practice. 2 Of a passage or road: impassable. 3 (context obsolete English) Of a person or thing: unmanageable. n. (context obsolete English) An unmanageable person.


adj. not capable of being carried out or put into practice; "refloating the sunken ship proved impracticable because of its fragility"; "a suggested reform that was unfeasible in the prevailing circumstances" [syn: infeasible, unfeasible, unworkable]

Usage examples of "impracticable".

It was his firm conviction that the flight to Amritsar, which the Colonel had advised in case of a defeat, was, under the present circumstances, quite impracticable.

Discovering that direct action was impracticable, the State legislatures created commissions to deal with the problem.

For these purposes he had taken possession of Dippeswalde, Maxen, and Pretchendorff, as if he intended to enter Bohemia by the way of Passberg: but this scheme being found impracticable, he returned to his camp at Fribourg, and in January the Prussian and Austrian armies were cantoned so near each other, that daily skirmishes were fought with various success.

If the Fuegians are Antarctic Esquimaux, the Patagonians are Antarctic Tartars, leading a wandering life under tents made of skins of horses and guanacos, and hating all settled habits, but not so utterly inhospitable and impracticable as their neighbours beyond the Strait.

Commune declared for Anarchism, but subsequently abandoned it as impracticable and devoted themselves to the propaganda of Marxian Socialism.

His metaphysics were green with age, his theories as to the syntheses of the arts silly and impracticable, while his Schopenhauerism, pessimism, and the rest sheer dead weights that were slowly but none the less surely strangling his music.

There they held a council of war, in which it was resolved, that as the troops were sickly, the rainy season begun, and several transports not yet arrived, the intended expedition was become impracticable.

Monday, Earnshaw being still unable to follow his ordinary employments, and therefore remaining about the house, I speedily found it would be impracticable to retain my charge beside me, as heretofore.

For a little time it seemed to Mainwaring that he should give it all up, but this was at once so impracticable and so quixotic that he presently abandoned it, and in time his qualms and misdoubts faded away and he settled himself down to enjoy that which had come to him through his marriage.

But the schemes seemed one and all wild now, impracticable, already accomplished by others better than he could hope to accomplish them, and none of them fulfilling the first essential his practical mind demanded--knowing his money spent precisely as he wished.

The humanity of his predecessors had always remitted, in some auspicious circumstance of their reign, the arrears of the public tribute, and they dexterously assumed the merit of resigning those claims which it was impracticable to enforce.

Continuing to represent the liberation of the serfs as impracticable, he arranged for the erection of large buildings schools, hospitals, and asylums on all the estates before the master arrived.

We might, besides, hazard the loss of our horses, as the Chopunnish, with whom we had left them, would cross the mountains as early as possible, or about the beginning of May, and take our horses with them, or suffer them to disperse, in either of which cases the passage of the mountains will be almost impracticable.

But their retreat was intercepted, and their communication was impracticable: they were abandoned by the Greek princes of Constantinople, and they piously disclaimed all connection with the Arian usurpers of Gaul.

But when he was convinced that his cause was desperate, and his escape impracticable, the intrepid Barbarian imitated the example of the ancient Romans, and turned his sword against his own breast.