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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The introduction to this book said that the Himalayas have formed an impassable barrier in the distribution of Eastern wildlife.
▪ Try standing the legs of greenhouse benches or staging in trays or saucers of water to make an impassable barrier.
▪ The Himalayas have proved an impassable barrier to terrestrial animals.
▪ The flooding made many streets impassable Sunday.
▪ Beyond there the gorge walls are often vertical or steep slopes of rubble, impassable whatever the season.
▪ Quite apart from the major wetlands, every valley bottom below a certain contour line must have been soggy and at times impassable.
▪ Roads became impassable for lack of maintenance.
▪ The alternative route down the locks became virtually impassable as the locks were allowed to deteriorate.
▪ The introduction to this book said that the Himalayas have formed an impassable barrier in the distribution of Eastern wildlife.
▪ The moral gulf between the households was soon judged by Nana to be impassable.
▪ There were so many drugs in the streets they were impassable at times.
▪ Were the roads really as impassable as he claimed?
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Impassable \Im*pass"a*ble\, a. [Cf. Unpassable.] Incapable of being passed; not admitting a passage; as, an impassable road, mountain, or gulf.
--Milton. -- Im*pass"a*ble*ness, n. -- Im*pass"a*bly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"that cannot be passed," 1560s, from im- + passable.


a. 1 (context of a route, terrain, etc. English) Incapable of being passed over, crossed, or negotiated. 2 (context of an obstacle English) Incapable of being overcome or surmounted. 3 (context of currency English) Not useable as legal tender.


adj. impossible to pass [syn: unpassable] [ant: passable]

Usage examples of "impassable".

American ancestor settled as the first permanent minister beyond the mountains, following the paths of the French priests in their missions and became a member of a presbytery extending from the mountains to the setting sun, until my last collateral ancestor living among the Indians helped survey the range lines of new States and finally marked the boundaries of the last farms in the passes of the Rockies, that ancestry has followed the frontier westward from where Celoron planted the emblems of French possession along the Ohio to where Chevalier la Verendrye looked upon the snowy and impassable peaks of the Rockies.

So, added to steep, rocky drops, impassable by autobus, were the dank, muddy flats which only the hipp could traverse.

It reminds me of Genoa, but that most of its streets are so steep as to be impassable for wheeled vehicles, and some of them are merely grand flights of stairs, arched over by dense foliaged trees, so as to look like some tropical, colored, deep colonnades.

Victorine encouraged me to force a passage with my little finger, but in vain I tried to pierce this wall, which nature had made impassable by all ordinary means.

West of Reims on the 18th and following days Nanteuil, Vailly, Laffaux, Aizy, Jouy, Ostel, and Bray were captured by Mangin, but they were all below the Chemin des Dames, and April came to an end with the road to Laon as impassable as ever.

The marshes, she told us, were absolutely impassable except to those who knew the paths, adding, what I could well believe, that we should never have reached this place where we then were had we not been brought thither.

The inn seldom had guests except when merchants came down from Baerlon to buy wool or tabac, or a monthly peddler when snow had not made the road impassable, and the village folk who might come for a drink or a meal later in the day would all be hard at work at their own homes now.

What added to our inquietude was the circumstance that two-thirds of our original number were now waiting for us in Paris, and clinging, as we now did most painfully, to any addition to our melancholy remnant, this division, with the tameless impassable ocean between, struck us with affright.

Only those remote and impassable peaks on the right gave him any sense of direction, and even they were less clear as the grey twilight waned and the sickly phosphorescence of the clouds took its place.

Cottage could never have been described as an eligible residence at any time, since it stood low on a cold, damp slope facing north, on poor, spewy soil, with no means of access but a hollow lane, deep in mud much of the year and impassable after heavy rain.

The physical obstacle consisted in a very deep and difficult spruit, the Jagd Spruit, which forms an ugly passage in times of peace, but which when crowded and choked with stampeding mules and splintering wagons, under their terrified conductors, soon became impassable.

And Saint Patrick, for the sake of passing thereover, came unto a very great river named Synnia, between Midia and Connactia, which was impassable of all, save only by vessels.

Contades, with thirty thousand men, had taken up an unassailable position: his right wing on the Weser, and his left on impassable bogs and quagmires, and with his front covered by the Bastau, a deep and unfordable brook.

With a slight shiver, Margo looked in the direction of Beaverwood, but could see no traces of the sprawling building that lay across the impassable gorge.

That was because they knew the short cut right through Beaverwood and across the supposedly impassable Falls.