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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Imaginative \Im*ag"i*na*tive\, a. [F. imaginatif.]

  1. Proceeding from, and characterized by, the imagination, generally in the highest sense of the word.

    In all the higher departments of imaginative art, nature still constitutes an important element.

  2. Given to imagining; full of images, fancies, etc.; having a quick imagination; conceptive; creative.

    Milton had a highly imaginative, Cowley a very fanciful mind.

  3. Unreasonably suspicious; jealous. [Obs.]
    --Chaucer. -- Im*ag"i*na*tive*ly, adv. -- Im*ag"i*na*tive*ness, n.


adv. In a imaginative manner; showing creativity.


adv. with imagination; "the room was decorated very imaginatively" [ant: unimaginatively]

Usage examples of "imaginatively".

In her anxiety to strangle the rebelliousness which had been communicated from her mind to her blood, and was present with her whether her mind was in action or not, she encouraged the ladies Eleanor and Isabel to magnify the fictitious man of their idolatry, hoping that she might enter into them imaginatively, that she might to some degree subdue herself to the necessity of her position.

To bring such a woman into port, even imaginatively in a story, or subconsciously in an inner life, was fulfilment of a big, fine, wholesome yearning, sacred in a way, too.

She spoke of Heir Haseloff as a rather weird but occasionally comical eccentric, who, once he was through with his strict but imaginatively conducted ballet exercises, cooked up strangely human machines in his cellar workshop.

Orient politically, sociologically, militarily, ideologically, scientifically, and imaginatively during the post-Enlightenment period.

Dweller eye-twinkling - humans had been adjudged as acceptable confidants for the Dwellers of Nasqueron in the system of Ulubis, their presence mostly tolerated, their company usually accepted, their safety almost always guaranteed and their attempts to talk to the Dwellers and mine their vast but defiantly imaginatively organised and indexed data shales met with only the most formal of obstructiveness, the lighter forms of derision and the least determinedly obfuscatory strategies.

It was more or less accepted in some quarters that the Culture’s whole civilisational demeanour resulted from the fact that every single human in the society had been thoroughly, comprehensively and imaginatively spoiled as a child by virtually everyone around them.

This group, imaginatively called Central, was to maintain the flight base for the aerial photography missions.

F'lar swore long and imaginatively, wishing T'reb of Fort Weyr immured between with Weyrleader T'ron fast beside him.

By imaginatively constructing such games, it becomes not only possible but practical to elicit futural goals from previously unconsulted masses.

Local government, schools, voluntary associations and others also need to examine their potential futures imaginatively.

Dogs are the hieroglyphs of blind emotion, inferiority, servile attachment, and gregariousness -- the attributes of commonplace, stupidly passionate, and intellectually and imaginatively underdeveloped men.