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n. (plural of imagination English)


imaginations, the fifth album by Fantastic Plastic Machine, was released on February 22, 2006. The album includes the song "Tell Me" (featuring Benjamin Diamond) previously released on vinyl, and also has guest performances by Clazziquai Project, Bonnie Pink, Tahiti 80, Ugly Duckling and others.

The cover design is said to be inspired by Philippe Halsman's photomontage DalĂ­ Skull.

Usage examples of "imaginations".

This was the true aera of the golden age, and the only golden age which ever had any existence, unless in the warm imaginations of the poets, from the expulsion from Eden down to this day.

Hit their imaginations once, they are your slaves, only demanding common courtier service of you.

A house having a great wine stored below lives in our imaginations as a joyful house, fast and splendidly rooted in the soil.

The Head Gardener was no stranger to their imaginations, for they remembered him of old somewhere, though not quite sure exactly where.

He always had an adventure up his sleeve--something their imaginations could accept and recreate.

They realised the meaning of these Sprites so clearly now--their duties, appearance, laws of behaviour, and the rest-that their awakened imaginations thought them instantly into existence, as many as were necessary.

Canterbury first, then Rye, as if the imaginations of Chaucer and James might fall at her feet like cathedral stones or tiles off roofs.