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Usage examples of "illinoisan".

It was a favorite declaration of theirs, but its absurdity was comical, when one remembered that the majority of them could not for their lives tell the names of the New England States, and could no more distinguish a Downeaster from an Illinoisan than they could tell a Saxon from a Bavarian.

However, people still talked under their breath about Jesus, because one Illinoisan feared another.

And just a few short weeks later I was astonished to turn on my television set and see this prominent Illinoisan suddenly looking the very picture of health.

Yates wanted another Illinoisan whom Lincoln knew and respected to be appointed collector of the port of New Orleans.

Harry was accordingly arrested and carried before the military authorities, but his persistent denial of any knowledge of the man who had caused his arrest, and the passport he had received from the generous Illinoisan, induced the Yankee officer by whom he was examined, to release him, and permit his departure for Nashville.

It contained a clipping from his hometown paper, the Southern Illinoisan, about the accidental electrocution of one Ivar McCray.

He was a superb horseman--as all the older Illinoisans are and, for all his two-score years and ten, he recognized few superiors for strength and activity in the Battalion.

He accepted none but Western men, and preferred Illinoisans, Iowans, Kansans, Indianians and Ohioans.

Our ancestors worshipped in this county, and you Illinoisans say we should worship in Chicago.

Meanwhile, some of the Illinoisans went to the politicians, and they told things Jesus did.

A large crowd of Illinoisans gathered around the house, because they wanted to see Jesus and the living Lazarus.

In more than one instance, at a later day, while well-known Illinoisans have been parties to actual or prospective duels, no instance has occurred of a hostile meeting of that character within the limits of the State.

The earliest hostile meeting of Illinoisans was upon the island last mentioned before State organization had been effected.

Spain regarding the free navigation of the Mississippi--all possess an interest to Illinoisans which time cannot abate.

The Missouri border was near them on the one side, the Kentucky border on another, and if the Southern Illinoisans had been betrayed, in any degree, into a disloyal course the military operations of the Government in that section would have been greatly embarrassed.