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iced coffee

n. Various types of cold beverages made from coffee.

iced coffee

n. strong sweetened coffee served over ice with cream [syn: ice coffee]

Iced coffee

Iced coffee is cold coffee. The iced latte and iced mocha are examples.

There are various brewing methods, with the fundamental division being cold brew – brewing the coffee cold, yielding different flavor, but not requiring cooling – or brewing hot and then cooling, generally by simply pouring over ice or into ice cold milk. In case of hot brewing this can be normally brewed coffee (drip, press pot, etc.), or espresso. In case of hot brewing, sweeteners and flavorings are often mixed into the hot coffee before cooling, due to higher solubility in hot water. Alternatively, syrup (sugar pre-dissolved in water) may be used, particularly gum syrup. Pre-packaged iced coffee is available as a grocery item in several countries. Regardless of brewing method, iced coffee is generally brewed at a higher strength than normal coffee, due to the dilution caused by the ice.

Usage examples of "iced coffee".

It really wasn't fair that such a trivial, spur-of-the-moment, seemingly harmless decision such as taking an iced coffee to-go could change the entire course of a girl's life.

It didn't even occur to her to reign in her temper as she stared at Nadine, looking fresh as a spring morning, with a cup of iced coffee in her pretty, manicured hand.