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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1922, abbreviation of intelligence quotient, a 1921 translation of German Intelligenz-quotient, coined 1912 by German psychologist William L. Stern (1871-1938).\n\nIntelligence is a general capacity of an individual consciously to adjust his thinking to new requirements: it is general mental adaptability to new problems and conditions of life. [Stern, "The Psychological Methods of Testing Intelligence," 1914]


init. the same as

I.Q. (film)

I.Q. is a 1994 American romantic comedy film directed by Fred Schepisi and starring Tim Robbins, Meg Ryan, and Walter Matthau. The original music score was composed by Jerry Goldsmith. The film centers on a mechanic and a Princeton doctoral candidate who fall in love, thanks to the candidate's uncle, Albert Einstein.

I.Q. (comics)

I.Q. (real name: Ira Quimby) is a fictional supervillain published by DC Comics. He first appeared in Mystery in Space #87 (November, 1963), and was created by Gardner Fox and Carmine Infantino. I.Q. has most often appeared an enemy of Hawkman, and was most recently seen in 52.