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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hypodermic \Hyp`o*der"mic\, a. [See Hypoderma.] Of or pertaining to the parts under the skin.

Hypodermic medication, the application of remedies under the epidermis, usually by means of a small syringe, called the hypodermic syringe. -- Hyp`o*der"mic*al*ly, adv.


adv. By hypodermic means.

Usage examples of "hypodermically".

He had already told them that he expected to be able to show death to have resulted from poison hypodermically applied, and, as I overheard a remark made by Osborne to Allen, I readily understood their speedy abandonment of their natural-death theory.

I happen to know that when Ricin is injected in small doses hypodermically immunity is produced, antiricin is formed.