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n. Any of the medium-sized rodents of the family Capromyidae, which inhabit the Caribbean islands.


Hutias are moderately large cavy-like rodents of the family Capromyidae that inhabit the Caribbean Islands. Most species have a head-and-body length that ranges from and weigh less than , but Desmarest's hutia has a head-and-body length of and weigh . Twenty species of hutia have been identified, and at least a third are extinct. (Their larger relatives the giant hutias, of the family Heptaxodontidae, are entirely extinct.) They resemble the nutria in some respects. Tails are present, varying from vestiges to prehensile. They have stout bodies and large heads. Most species are herbivorous, though some consume small animals. Instead of burrowing underground, they nest in trees or rock crevices. Only Desmarest's hutia and the prehensile-tailed hutia remain common and widespread; all other extant species are considered threatened by the IUCN.

They are hunted for food in Cuba, where they are often cooked in a large pot with wild nuts and honey. At the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base however, there is an over population due to an abundant food source and the lack of natural predators. Desmarest's hutias are referred to by those stationed at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base as banana rats. Banana rats are not named for their dietary preference, but because their feces look like small versions of the fruit. They are known to come out at night.

Usage examples of "hutia".

She had a small calabash in her hand and was bending to take up water when Hutia spoke.

After a few weeks they'd bring their grog to the house, and they teached their girls and Susannah to drink with 'em It wasn't long till Prudence and Hutia took to goin' there of an evening, and sometimes even Jenny would go.