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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Humpbacked \Hump"backed`\, a. Having a humped back.


a. Having a hump on the back, either naturally or due to a medical condition.


adj. characteristic of or suffering from kyphosis, an abnormality of the vertebral column [syn: crookback, crookbacked, humped, hunchback, hunchbacked, gibbous, kyphotic]

Usage examples of "humpbacked".

Of course it is not wit which gives the hump, for, thank God, all witty men are not humpbacked, but we may well say that as a general rule the hump gives wit, for the very small number of hunchbacks who have little or no wit only confirms the rule: The one I was alluding to just now was called Dubois-Chateleraux.

Bulletins from Party Headquarters are spelled out in obscene charades by hebephrenics and Latahs and apes, Sollubis fart code, Negroes open and shut mouth to Hash messages on gold teeth, Arab rioters send smoke signals by throwing great buttery eunuchs -- they make the best smoke, hangs black and shit-solid in the air -- onto gasoline fires in a rubbish heap, mosaic of melodies, sad Panpipes of humpbacked beggar, cold wind sweeps down from post card of Chimborazzi, flutes of Ramadan, piano music down a windy street, mutilated police calls, advertising leaflet synchronize with street fight spell SOS.

They set up camp that evening among the deserted thatched huts of the Nguni town, surrounded by the vast herds of humpbacked cattle, with the piles of ivory securely enclosed within the wagon laager.

Presently they raised the herd: iziru, humpbacked and spiketailed, the size of Terran cattle.

The old cruiser was stubby and humpbacked, with a confusion of wartlike turrets protruding from its ungainly hull as if sown at random like wild seeds.

However, Sally-Anne picked out a herd of big beige humpbacked eland in one of the open vleis beside a dry river-bed, and then, twenty miles further on, a solitary bull elephant.

To fly: the horrible aerial toad, the silent-feathered owl, the humpbacked aviating Richard III, he made toward me close to the ground.

She was wearing bermudas and a faded blue shirt with the tails out, and when a breeze started up it ballooned out the back of her shirt and made her look humpbacked.

I know you’ve got a soft spot for humpbacked dwarves, stray cats, and your friend Holly, and I know you want to go to Veselka’s with me and eat blintzes.

Along the back wall of the courtyard I saw a cattle pen, and a few humpbacked brahmas shuffling around, their tails flicking at flies.

Beginning with cajolery, but failing in this with the saucy Columbine, who likes cajolers to be at least attractive and to pay a due deference to her own very piquant charms, the fierce humpbacked scoundrel passes on to threats of the terrible vengeance he will wreak upon her if she betrays him or neglects to obey him implicitly.

The buildings were tan stucco, silo tall and humpbacked at the top, with sandwich boards propped up by the front doors--the name, director and shooting schedule of the movie crayoned on white plastic.

Using a broken chunk of sandstone for cover, he studied the drylands below, finally spotting a band of tiny figures retracing the route he had just taken, mounted on the humpbacked riding beasts called yirns.

Besides, he remembered entirely too well the time three years earlier when a regular army unit on Eritreafra had used Earth evolved humpbacked cattle as cover for an approach to the Marine position, and then as a shield when they attacked the 28th FIST.

Others were wrought-iron footbridges, stone humpbacked spans, and complicated suspension bridges.