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Hog's fennel

Fennel \Fen"nel\ (f[e^]n"n[e^]l), n. [AS. fenol, finol, from L. feniculum, faeniculum, dim. of fenum, faenum, hay: cf. F. fenouil. Cf. Fenugreek. Finochio.] (Bot.) A perennial plant of the genus F[ae]niculum ( F[ae]niculum vulgare), having very finely divided leaves. It is cultivated in gardens for the agreeable aromatic flavor of its seeds.

Smell of sweetest fennel.

A sprig of fennel was in fact the theological smelling bottle of the tender sex.
--S. G. Goodrich.

Azorean fennel, or Sweet fennel, ( F[ae]niculum dulce). It is a smaller and stouter plant than the common fennel, and is used as a pot herb.

Dog's fennel ( Anthemis Cotula), a foul-smelling European weed; -- called also mayweed.

Fennel flower (Bot.), an herb ( Nigella) of the Buttercup family, having leaves finely divided, like those of the fennel. Nigella Damascena is common in gardens. Nigella sativa furnishes the fennel seed, used as a condiment, etc., in Indi

  1. These seeds are the ``fitches'' mentioned in Isaiah (xxviii. 25).

    Fennel water (Med.), the distilled water of fennel seed. It is stimulant and carminative.

    Giant fennel ( Ferula communis), has stems full of pith, which, it is said, were used to carry fire, first, by Prometheus.

    Hog's fennel, a European plant ( Peucedanum officinale) looking something like fennel.

Hog's fennel

Hog \Hog\ (h[o^]g), n. [Prob. akin to E. hack to cut, and meaning orig., a castrated boar; cf. also W. hwch swine, sow, Armor. houc'h, hoc'h. Cf. Haggis, Hogget, and Hoggerel.]

  1. (Zo["o]l.) A quadruped of the genus Sus, and allied genera of Suid[ae]; esp., the domesticated varieties of Sus scrofa, kept for their fat and meat, called, respectively, lard and pork; swine; porker; specifically, a castrated boar; a barrow.

    Note: The domestic hogs of Siam, China, and parts of Southern Europe, are thought to have been derived from Sus Indicus.

  2. A mean, filthy, or gluttonous fellow. [Low.]

  3. A young sheep that has not been shorn. [Eng.]

  4. (Naut.) A rough, flat scrubbing broom for scrubbing a ship's bottom under water.

  5. (Paper Manuf.) A device for mixing and stirring the pulp of which paper is made.

    Bush hog, Ground hog, etc.. See under Bush, Ground, etc.

    Hog caterpillar (Zo["o]l.), the larva of the green grapevine sphinx; -- so called because the head and first three segments are much smaller than those behind them, so as to make a resemblance to a hog's snout. See Hawk moth.

    Hog cholera, an epidemic contagious fever of swine, attended by liquid, fetid, diarrhea, and by the appearance on the skin and mucous membrane of spots and patches of a scarlet, purple, or black color. It is fatal in from one to six days, or ends in a slow, uncertain recovery.
    --Law (Farmer's Veter. Adviser.)

    Hog deer (Zo["o]l.), the axis deer.

    Hog gum (Bot.), West Indian tree ( Symphonia globulifera), yielding an aromatic gum.

    Hog of wool, the trade name for the fleece or wool of sheep of the second year.

    Hog peanut (Bot.), a kind of earth pea.

    Hog plum (Bot.), a tropical tree, of the genus Spondias ( Spondias lutea), with fruit somewhat resembling plums, but chiefly eaten by hogs. It is found in the West Indies.

    Hog's bean (Bot.), the plant henbane.

    Hog's bread.(Bot.) See Sow bread.

    Hog's fennel. (Bot.) See under Fennel.

    Mexican hog (Zo["o]l.), the peccary.

    Water hog. (Zo["o]l.) See Capybara.

Usage examples of "hog's fennel".

The stewards brought round a savory condiment of boiled pears mixed with hog's fennel, galingale, and licorice, as an aid to digestion for the noble folk who were by now surely stuffed and surfeited.