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Hessian boots

Hessian \Hes"sian\, a. Of or relating to Hesse, in Germany, or to the Hessians.

Hessian boots, or Hessians, boot of a kind worn in England, in the early part of the nineteenth century, tasseled in front.

Hessian cloth, or Hessians, a coarse hempen cloth for sacking.

Hessian crucible. See under Crucible.

Hessian fly (Zo["o]l.), a small dipterous fly or midge ( Cecidomyia destructor). Its larv[ae] live between the base of the lower leaves and the stalk of wheat, and are very destructive to young wheat; -- so called from the erroneous idea that it was brought into America by the Hessian troops, during the Revolution.

Usage examples of "hessian boots".

A sailor's eye would have seen that she was even trimmer than usual, with her furled sails skinned up in the bunt and her head-braces lying in perfect Flemish fakes, while even a landsman would have noticed that the officers had abandoned their usual working clothes of easy nankeen pantaloons and light jackets for undress uniform and Hessian boots, while the bargemen were already in their snowy trousers, bright blue jackets and best straw hats, ready to row their Captain ashore as soon as he was invited.

He was dressed very correctly for a morning visit in a blue coat, with fawn pantaloons and Hessian boots.

He covered her with the sheet and the sheepskin and sat on the side of the bed to pull off his Hessian boots before standing again to remove the rest of his clothes.

He wore a woman's loose gown of frieze, blue trousers, and large torn Hessian boots.

At all times an imposing figure, he was, on this occasion, a startling one, for although he wore a long driving-coat of white drab, with a number of shoulder-capes, it was unbuttoned, and revealed the exquisite attire he habitually wore in London, which included an extremely elegant waistcoat, the palest of pantaloons, and highly polished Hessian boots.

Oddly, at this minute, when she hadn't thought once all day about his love for the military, she pictured those handsome legs back in the white breeches of his Royal Marine officer's uniform, encased in black Hessian boots, polished until they gleamed.

He was immaculately and tastefully clad in a dark green superfine tailed coat and buff pantaloons and waistcoat with white linen and highly polished Hessian boots, a dark, forbidding-looking gentleman who bore such a resemblance to Colonel Bedwyn that Eves heart turned over.

His valet was hardly more familiar with his wardrobe than she, and she knew well that pantaloons and Hessian boots meant that the most she could hope for was to be permitted to lie at his feet in the library.

She did not look up to see whether he looked at her or whether he was merely admiring the view, but she could see the toe of one of his Hessian boots beating out a tattoo on the cobbles beside her.

She heard his sure stride on the staircase, the sound of his Hessian boots, and she stood rubbing her sweaty palms on her skirt, in an agony of indecision.

The tall man who was driving was elegantly dressed in a blue coat, fawn trousers, and Hessian boots.

He could see his hessian boots protruding from the other side of the truck.

He was dressed in a peach-colored coat and Hessian boots with tassels.

He had on tight tan trousers and knee-high Hessian boots with tassels, and the white silk cravat visible between the high wings of the coat's collar gave him, he thought, if not an air of rakish handsomeness, at least one of dignity.

Her natural good humour returned, nevertheless, as she laid out his fine London clothes - black, elegant severity and gleaming Hessian boots - and it was in this splendour that he sat in the parlour while the little girls nervously showed him their copy-books, their sums, and their geographical exercises, with maps.