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herbal teas

n. (plural of herbal tea English)

Usage examples of "herbal teas".

In France, where herbal teas or tisanes are more employed than here, it is stated that Agrimony tea, for its fragrancy, as well as for its virtues, is often drunk as a beverage at table.

The rules for drinking potions apply to herbal teas, which keep indefinitely in dry form.

Grandam herself was thoroughly drenched but after a brisk toweling for all three of them-Maati had been closest to the pavilion when the storm broke and hot herbal teas all around, Acorna was back to her original color of hair and skin and all of them were a great deal drier.

She put away the salve, glanced through the herbal teas Callista had divided into doses, and looked along the shelves.

No animal matter of any kind, synthetic or not, and a wide variety of veggie, rice, and sauce-heavy dishes including curries, with juices and herbal teas.

Seritha was already brewing one other herbal teas, and the bardling took a flagon from her and hurried to the Dark Elf's side.