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n. (plural of hazel English)

Usage examples of "hazels".

Other Hazels flickered in and out of existence around her, but she pushed them firmly away.

Could it have been an alternative Owen, from some different time track, like the other Hazels she sometimes summoned?

It was equally possible that all the other Hazels were just figments of her imagination, somehow given life and substance by her Maze power.

The Hazels had become separated, scattered the length of the antechamber, but still fighting furiously.

It seemed that whatever reality the various Hazels came from, she was always a hell of a scrapper.

One of the Hazels was forced back in his direction, and Owen was glad to see it was the original.

In the space of a few seconds, every guard in the antechamber was dead, and only Giles and Jenny, Toby and Flynn and a handful of Hazels were left standing.

And when Thiodolf stepped out of the beech-wood into the broad sunshine dappled with the shadow of the leaves of the hazels moving gently in the fresh morning air, he was covered from the neck to the knee by a hauberk of rings dark and grey and gleaming, fashioned by the dwarfs of ancient days.

Dale of the Hazels, and to trust to it that these Welshmen, whom they called Romans, would not follow so far, and that if they did, they might betake them to the wild-wood, and let the thicket cover them, they being so nigh to it.