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For the First Generation Tanna sage, see Hanina Segan ha-Kohanim. For the Amora sage, see Hanina.

Chaninah, also called Haninah, Chananiah, etc. ( Hebrew: חנינא, חנניה) was a Tanna of the 2nd century, contemporary of Judah ben Bathyra, Matteya ben Ḥeresh, and Jonathan ( Sifre, Deut. 80). Who his father was is not stated; nor is anything known of his early years. He was named after his grandfather, Hananiah, and educated by his uncle, from whom he received his cognomen. In some baraitot, however, he is cited by his prænomen alone ( Suk. 20b; Ket. 79b; see Hananiah b. 'Akabia, Hebrew: חנינא בן עקביא).