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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ the misty half-light of dawn
▪ A sharp, heavy knock sent Nadia scrambling out into the cold half-light of the early morning.
▪ Her face really was beautiful in that half-light.
▪ In the steamy mirror in the half-light, my body seems smooth and strong, almost lovely.
▪ Like kneading bread in the half-light of the restaurant kitchen.
▪ She sobbed, and in the half-light I saw the anguish in her face.
▪ The counselor spoke her name, and she looked up, her eyes red in the half-light.
▪ There is an eerie stamp of disaster about this wind-thrown entanglement in the murky half-light of night water.
▪ Waking with a start, she lay in the grey half-light of dawn, wondering where she was.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

half-light \half-light\ n. a grayish light (as at dawn or dusk or in dim interiors).


n. The soft, greyish light characteristic of dawn or dusk


n. a grayish light (as at dawn or dusk or in dim interiors)

Usage examples of "half-light".

In the half-light of the dawn monks, menservants, serving-women, and farming folk from the temple estates lined the driveway and crowded the gates sorrowing, and among that throng stood Asatori, craning for a last sight of his master.

No one saw the cavalrymen move through the half-light, and no one challenged them as they urged their horses up the small embankment that edged the road.

And through the luminescence that held the valley suspended in daylit, moonlit half-light, Will saw six figures take shape.

In the half-light of the shop a melancholy shadow leaned over the ikons on the counter.

In this subduing Draught of tender green And kindly Absinth, with its wimpling Sheen Of dusky half-lights, let me drown The haunting Pathos of the Might-Have-Been.

In the half-light of the fading day, his hair appeared blonder than before, almost white.

False sparks sparkled along the snow-white firebird's feathers whenever Aya roused all his feathers and shook them, and in repose in this uncertain half-light, the quills of each feather glowed softly.

None of the tent's worn places or patches or seams showed in the bluish half-light, and even its ordinary peaked roundness seemed blurrily mysterious of outline as it gently quivered and swelled and ebbed.

They first heard the drone of an approaching aircraft when it was still pearly half-light the next morning, and Craig drove out onto the pan in the Land-Rover to light the smudge fires.

A line of shadows appeared on the stairway of the Croagh, stooped and shrouded in the fading half-light of the late afternoon.

By two o'clock in the afternoon when the light, which at best had never been more than a grey half-light, was beginning to fade, what little could be seen of the mountainous seas abeam and ahead of the San Andreas - the blizzard made it quite impossible to see anything abaft of the bridge - were as white as the driving snow itself, the shapeless troughs between the towering walls of water big enough to drown a suburban house or, to the more apprehensive eye, big enough to drown a suburban church including a fair part of its steeple.

In the half-light he fought the clever fox, fending him off with vicious stabs of his beak, knocking him down with his powerful wing thrusts and filling the Arctic air with short cries of rage and challenge.

Buffalo Bill might have done it, but then Buffalo Bill had had binocular vision and I felt pretty certain he'd never performed any of his sharp-shooting feats in dim half-light with numbed hands bound behind his back.

His squat broad form bulked in the half-light that leaked backward from the flash.

The depleted squadron took off for the dawn patrol in the grey half-light.