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The Collaborative International Dictionary

gumbo-limbo \gumbo-limbo\ n. A tropical American tree ( Bursera simaruba) yielding a reddish resin used in cements and varnishes.

Syn: Bursera simaruba.


n. tropical American tree yielding a reddish resin used in cements and varnishes [syn: Bursera simaruba]

Usage examples of "gumbo-limbo".

They'd passed the last corn milpas north of town, and the tree-shaded wagon trace was surrounded by spartina reeds to seaward and thickets of gumbo-limbo saplings on the higher ground to their left.

But Longarm was able to pile his severed sea grape canes in the opening he'd found in the gumbo-limbo to where somebody passing on the nearby wagon-trace might dismiss the small hideout as something that just wasn't worth reining in to study.

Too bad Jim Cole didn't order up some gumbo-limbos, cause them trees is scraggily, thin-skinned, always red and peeling.