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vb. (archaic spelling of grow English)

Usage examples of "growe".

Amongst them all growes not a fayrer flowre,Then is the bloosme of comely courtesie,Which though it on a lowly stalke doe bowre,Yet brancheth forth in braue nobilitie,And spreds it selfe through all ciuilitie:Of which though present age doe plenteous seeme,Yet being matcht with plaine Antiquitie,Ye will them all but fayned showes esteeme,Which carry colours faire, that feeble eies misdeeme.

It was a chosen plot of fertile land,Emongst wide waues set, like a litle nest,As if it had by Natures cunning hand,Bene choisely picked out from all the rest,And laid forth for ensample of the best:No daintie flowre or herbe, that growes on ground,No arboret with painted blossomes drest,And smelling sweet, but there it might be foundTo bud out faire, and her sweet smels throw all around.

And though sometimes a Civill warre, may be differred, by such wayes as that, yet the danger growes still the greater, and the Publique ruine more assured.

For men measure, not onely other men, but all other things, by themselves: and because they find themselves subject after motion to pain, and lassitude, think every thing els growes weary of motion, and seeks repose of its own accord.

As he that selleth Land, is understood to transferre the Herbage, and whatsoever growes upon it.

I regret that he growes squeamish, as I fear'd he wou'd when I hadde him here nigh 15 Monthes, but am sensible you knowe how to deal with him.