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n. (plural of graben English)

Usage examples of "grabens".

They had run over a hundred kilometers, over the heavy corrugations of Minus One’s central moors, a devilish network of ravines, grabens, pingo holes, alases, escarpments and rockfalls— nothing too deep, apparently, so that many different routes were possible, making it as much an orienteering event as a run.

They had run over a hundred kilometers, over the heavy corrugations of Minus One's central moors, a devilish network of ravines, grabens, pingo holes, alases, escarpments and rockfalls nothing too deep, apparently, so that many different routes were possible, making it as much an orienteering event as a run.

These fossil riverbeds, like Nirgal Vallis, Warrego Valles, Protva Valles, Patana Valles, or Oltis Vallis, were narrow sinuous canyons, true riverine canyons rather than grabens or fossae.

The years since then had been like a stream in the southern highlands, wandering through cracks and grabens and then sinking into some unexpected pothole.

Some of his best thinking about memory had come when he was walking down to this seashore, over routes so circuitous that he could never find the same way twice, partly because the old lava plateau was so fractured by grabens and scarps, partly because he was never paying attention to the larger topography—he was either lost in his thoughts or lost in the immediate landscape, only intermittently looking around to see where he was.

Some of his best thinking about memory had come when he was walking down to this seashore, over routes so circuitous that he could never find the same way twice, partly because the old lava plateau was so fractured by grabens and scarps, partly because he was never paying attention to the larger topography-he was either lost in his thoughts or lost in the immediate landscape, only intermittently looking around to see where he was.