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The GPSO Global Population Speak Out is a special project of the international non-profit organization and non-governmental organization Population Institute. Originally founded by John Feeney, PhD, an ecological writer and activist based in Boulder, Colorado, USA, the GPSO project is designed specifically to increase public discussion of human population as a fundamental variable in the human struggle to achieve a sustainable living scenario with our planet.

The project has a basic structure. A letter of inquiry, explaining the project's mission receives the endorsement of a specially selected group of high-profile scientists, activists and celebrities. Over the years, endorsers have included famous scientists such as Paul R. Ehrlich, Bing Professor of Population Studies, Stanford University, and Dennis Meadows, Professor Emeritus of Systems Policy and Social Science Research, University of New Hampshire.

This letter is then distributed to individuals thought likely to have an interest in human population dynamics. The recipients are asked to make a personal pledge to publicly speak out at some point during the month of February on the size and growth of human population. Scientists, representatives of environmental NGO’s, science writers and activists, along with ordinary concerned citizens constitute the community of pledgers.

Pledgers also commit to reporting their project activities back to the Global Population Speak Out coordinator. These reports are then listed on the GPSO website.