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adv. joyfully


adv. in a joyous and gleeful manner; "the old man had greeted her gleefully" [syn: joyously, joyfully] [ant: joylessly]

Usage examples of "gleefully".

Jay had always resented the way she was spoken of in reverent tones, and now he welcomed gleefully the news that she had been a 330 Ken Follett blackhearted villain.

One of the boys became separated from the others, and stood watching the antics of the monkeys, and laughing gleefully at each comical trick performed by the grave-faced little creatures.

But when she dashed up to Yozerf instead of Gless and locked her arms around his waist, all the while gleefully recounting the battle as if they might have somehow missed it, their looks turned to curiosity.

Ogorodnaya boys, sworn enemies of the boys from the Alekseyevskaya, noticed Misha and charged upon him from all sides, gleefully whooping and whistling at the prospect of beating up a boy from the Alekseyevskaya, and a Moscovite to boot.

Well, at the annual dinner during their last international meeting they were gleefully told the story of the terrorist group which captures three scientists, a virologist, a neurochemist and a molecular biologist, intending them as hostages.

He walked slower than the rest of the party, and Panner had gleefully jabbed him in the ribs with the barrel of her weapon, spurring him on.

He got Shaley by the neck, loosely, and began to pound his head on the floor slowly and methodically, chuckling gleefully to himself.

They were not just running, they were gleefully leaping and bounding as they came, and pointing at the wagons and wigwagging at the elephant as though they were old acquaintances of hers.

Gleefully, merrily, they all called one another abolitionists, not mere emancipationists or Free-Soilers, and it seemed to Hay that they enjoyed the novel sensation of appropriating that hitherto dreaded label.

The two Caravans remained astounded, silent, plunged in the deepest despair, while Braux rubbed his hands and sipped his coffee gleefully.

It gleefully mixes political cliches, bitchy reproaches and insults, and moments of absurd overdramatization.

He saw them scampering up the boles of trees, snapping off limbs and showering the ground with bark fragments, ft occurred to him that the Gnats had always taken their cue in identifying the enemy by what the Hammers had assaulted, so the Gnats gleefully started to wage war on the jungle itself.

She gleefully relishes -- indeed, she prolongs and reiterates -- the violent, intrusive movements of feminine fabrication.

Orbital Commie Hell The station gleefully informed us as he led us through its crowded, cluttered spaces, was no longer called the Marshall Titov.

Someone howled gleefully as the first light cruiser belched air and debris, and Olivera wanted to howl himself as four more followed.