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vb. (context obsolete or regional English) (alternative form of gather English)


According to the Table of Nations in the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible Gether ( Ḡeṯer; Aather in Arabic) was the third son of Aram, son of Shem.

In Arabic traditions, he became the father of Thamud, whose brother the Qur'an calls Salih.

In Josephus, he is ancestor of the Bactrians, but Jerome (c. 390) and Isidore of Seville (c. 635) make him ancestor of the Acarnanians or Carians.

Category:Torah people Category:Noach (parsha)

Usage examples of "gether".

After the accident they went ever since they were five year I behind on playing in the gazebo at the bottom of the grassy hill ane with their heads to the Archer place, Kurt and Vivian and Z gether, laughing and colluding as if nothing bad had ever haping ever would.

Injuns, and Spanards, and Creoles, and pretty girls, and old wimmen, and puckers, and gethers, and bracelets, and diamonds, and lace, and parasols.

And then some more childern, and wimmen, and dogs, and parasols, and men, and babies, and Injuns, and Frenchmen, and old young wimmen, and young old ones, and handsome ones, and hombly ones, and parasols, and some sweet young girls ag'in, and some black men, and some white men, and some more wimmen, and parasols, and silk, and velvet, and lace, and puckers, and raffles, and gethers, and gores, and flowers, and feathers, and fringes, and frizzles, and then some men, some Southerners from the South, some Westerners from the West, some Easterners from the East, and some Cubebs from Cuba, and some Chinamen from China.

I've been forced t' have Nancy in, upo' 'count as Hetty must gether the red currants to-night.

Les and Daffyd shouted to gether, each grabbing the whilom combatants.

While Christine Scavello had hurried into the kitchen to report the presence of a suspicious vehicle to Max, Sandy had phoned Julie Gethers, the police liaison at Klemet-Harrison, and had asked her to get a make on the Dodge.