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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ All this sort of stuff does not occur in the shadow of the gasworks.
▪ Also on show will be water colour paintings and drawings of the gasworks by Jim Russell.
▪ Initially they served the many gasworks but as generating stations were built they served them too.
▪ The gasworks and waterworks would, of course, serve the mill as well.
▪ Three charged over gasworks bomb Three people have been charged in connection with the bombing of a gasworks in Cheshire last week.

n. A factory where coal is converted to coal gas and coke.


n. the workplace where coal gas is manufactured


A gasworks or gas house is an industrial plant for the production of flammable gas. Many of these have been made redundant in the developed world by the use of natural gas, though they are still used for storage space.

Gasworks (Brisbane)
  1. Redirect Gasworks#Gasworks Brisbane, Australia

Category:Gas museums

Gasworks (disambiguation)

A Gasworks is an industrial plant for the production of flammable gas.

''' Gasworks ''' or ''' Gas works ''' may also refer to:

  • Gas Works Park, public park in Seattle, Washington
  • Gasworks Bridge, an iron bridge across the River Thames at Oxford in England
  • Gasworks Gallery, art galleries in the United Kingdom
  • Gasworks Newstead, commercial development in Newstead, Brisbane, Australia

Usage examples of "gasworks".

There was a vein of murder snaking across the continent beneath highways, smokestacks, oilrigs and gasworks, a casual savagery fed by the mute cities, and I wondered what impossible distance must be traveled to get from there to here, what language crossed, how many levels of being.