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gas oven
  1. n. a cremation chamber fueled by gas

  2. a domestic oven fueled by gas

Usage examples of "gas oven".

The story may have evolved from an older, low-tech version that cropped up some 20 years ago, in which the pet crawls into a gas oven or a clothes dryer for a nap, only to get roasted next time the appliance is used.

She was too tired to do much, but it didn't take a tot of effort to open two large cans of beef stew and heat them, or to brown buttered rolls in the gas oven.

Then she put some cushions in front of the gas oven and that was that.

Maybe then, if the malignancy hadn't gotten into her brain and killed her, maybe then she would at last do the right thing with a tailpipe or a gas oven, or a shotgun.

The gas oven might blow up in his face, at last bringing him peace, but if it didn't, he would at least have cookies for Agnes.

And Mary Ann wanted to lay her head between them and put her arms about the not too clean neck and cry with relief, for had she not saved their Michael and was she not as anxious as her ma to keep the disgrace from the neighbours, for Mary Ann was fully aware of the disgrace that clung to a family should one of them stick their head in the gas oven.

Beryl had put her head in the gas oven because I had been proud, and righteous in the eyes of other people, and unkind.

To me it means that chances are excellent that you'd have a big low gas oven in the kitchens.

It is the practice of the AVO to turn off the gas supply to a block of houses or flats before serving deportation notices there: a pillow on the bottom shelf of a gas oven is comfortable enough, and there is no pain.

Again that flick of the switch, the huff of the gas oven, the pile of plates in the cupboard.

Apparently, Dylan had given Marjorie only a vague warning, had not specified that the four-burner gas oven was about to explode, had not predicted that an earthquake would at any moment shake her house into one of those piles of smoking rubble that the gleeful vultures of the media found so picturesque.