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gas chambers

n. (gas chamber English)

Gas Chambers

Gas Chambers is a fast, hollow and shallow point break type of wave. Being that it is a high performance wave it is well suited for the average to pro level surfer. Gas Chambers is located on the North Shore of Oahu about a 1/4 of a mile north of Ehukai Beach Park and 1/2 a mile west of Sunset Beach Park. The easiest way to get there is to start at Ehukai Beach Park and walk north taking the 2nd public right of way to the beach.

Category:Geography of Oahu

Usage examples of "gas chambers".

Although the expression had been subtle and brief, Micky read into it the opinion that defendants at the Nuremberg trials had similar excuses for working the gas chambers at Dachau and Auschwitz.

Concentration camps and gas chambers and the rape of human dignity.

Since he assumed the buildings on the right were gas chambers, he came to the conclusion that those being sent out the right exit were going to be put to death immediately.

They agreed to do the work--removing the corpses from the gas chambers and burning them--that even the SS couldn't stomach.

He heard the screams from the gas chambers and crematoria and shuddered with a nearly sexual joy.

We've marched out of the camps and the ovens and the gas chambers to claim what is ours.

He could hardly have felt a greater sense of unreality if the screens had shown sacrificial victims being led towards a blood-drenched altar, or Jews being herded into gas chambers disguised as showers.