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n. evergreen holly of eastern North America with oblong leathery leaves and small black berries [syn: inkberry, gall-berry, evergreen winterberry, Ilex glabra]


Gallberry is a common name for two similar shrubs in the Holly family (Aquifoliaceae):

  • Ilex coriacea
  • Ilex glabra

Both are native to coastal areas in the United States from Virginia to Texas. They exist primarily as understory plants in pine woods, and are stimulated by regular controlled burning.

They have been widely planted north of their native range and to some extent in Europe, preferring moist, but not waterlogged, acidic soil.

The plants are an important nectar source for beekeepers, making a mild flavored, light colored honey, especially in Florida, South Carolina, and Georgia.

Usage examples of "gallberry".

Trader from whom I procured Jesuit Bark that the Indians use a Plant called Gallberry, which rivals the Bark of Cinchona for bitterness and is thought capital for Use in tertian and quartan Fevers.

My tastebuds hesitated, but wavered on the edge of forgiving me for the gallberry syrup.

The gallberry ointment worked to treat malarial attacks, but was not nearly so effective as Jesuit bark in preventing them.

Kezzie Beardsley had picked up the jar of gallberries and was sniffing cautiously at it.

And then she had quite lost track of what was happening, save that whenever she drifted to the surface of the fever, the boys were still there, talking to her and each other, the murmur of their voices a small anchor to reality and their hands never leaving her, stroking and smoothing and the sharp smell of gallberries cutting through the woodsmoke from the hearth and the scent of beeswax from the candle.

The gallberries had done their work, and while she was still weak and tired, she told Mr.