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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fustigate \Fus"ti*gate\, v. t. [L. fustigare, fr. fustis stick. See 1st Fust.] To cudgel. [R.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"to cudgel, to beat," 1650s, back-formation from Fustication (1560s) or from Latin fusticatus, past participle of fusticare "to cudgel" (to death), from fustis "cudgel, club, staff, stick of wood," of unknown origin. De Vaan writes that "The most obvious connection would be with Latin -futare" "to beat," but there are evolutionary difficulties.


vb. 1 (context transitive English) To hit someone with a club. 2 (context figuratively English) To harshly criticize someone.

Usage examples of "fustigate".

Friday penance sessions in the gymnasium continued to delight him and prevent his boredom, for he attended them from his secret hiding place in the Snuggery and, at times, just as we have already described, crept out when the culprits were blindfold and pinioned, to feel their bosoms and bottoms and sometimes even, when the mood seized him, to fustigate their plump white backsides and revel in their squirmings and sobbing pleas for pardon.