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free zone

n. 1 An area within a port where goods may be temporarily stored without paying duty 2 (context in combination English) An area that is free of some specified thing e.g. a vehicle-free zone

free zone

n. an area adjoining a port where goods that are intended for reshipment can be received and stored without payment of duties [syn: free port]

Free Zone (Scientology)

The Free Zone, also called Independent Scientologists or Scientology Freezone, comprises a variety of non-affiliated independent groups and individuals who practice Scientology beliefs and techniques independently of the Church of Scientology (CoS). Such practitioners range from those who closely adhere to the original teachings of Scientology's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, to those who have adapted their practices so far that they are almost unrecognizable as Scientology.

The term Free Zone was originally only used by a single organization, but the term is now commonly applied to all non-CoS Scientologists, although many dispute the application of the term to themselves. The International Freezone Association, the group whose name became adopted as a generic term for independent Scientology, was not the first independent Scientologist group; the California Association of Dianetic Auditors, the oldest breakaway group still in existence, claims a founding date of December 1950, predating the Church of Scientology itself.

A November 2004 press release published by the International Freezone Association cited what it says was a command written by L. Ron Hubbard himself: "... before you go, whisper this to your sons and their sons: 'THE WORK WAS FREE. KEEP IT SO.'"

Skeptic Magazine described the Free Zone as: "a group founded by ex-Scientologists to promote L. Ron Hubbard's ideas independent of the Church of Scientology." A Miami Herald article wrote that ex-Scientologists joined the Free Zone because they felt that Church of Scientology leadership had "strayed from Hubbard's original teachings."

Free Zone (film)

Free Zone is a 2005 film directed by Amos Gitai. Shot in Israel and Jordan, the Israeli- Belgian- French- Spanish production stars Israeli Jewish actress Hanna Laslo, Palestinian Arab actress Hiam Abbass, and Israeli-American actress Natalie Portman. It is the second film of Gitai's Border Trilogy.

The film made its debut at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival on May 19, 2005. It was released in Israel on June 9, 2005, and then appeared at numerous other film festivals throughout the rest of the year, having a limited release on December 16, 2005 in the United States.

Free Zone (region)

The Free Zone or Liberated Territories is a term used by the Polisario Front to describe the part of Western Sahara that lies to the east of the Moroccan Berm (the Moroccan border wall) and west and north of the borders with Algeria and Mauritania, respectively. For Morocco, it is a buffer territory.

The area is separated from the rest of the Western Sahara territory by "a 2,200 kilometer [1,367 mi]-long wall...flanked by one of the world's largest minefields." The border is often referred to as the "Berm".

The zone was established as a Polisario-held zone in a 1991 cease-fire between the Polisario Front and Morocco, which had been agreed upon together as part of the Settlement Plan. Morocco controls the areas west of the Berm, including most of the territory's population. The cease-fire is overseen by the United Nations' MINURSO forces, charged with peacekeeping in the area and the organization of a referendum on independence.

Free Zone

Free Zone may refer to:

  • Free economic zone, designated areas in which companies are taxed very lightly or not at all in order to encourage economic activity
  • Free trade zone, an area in which goods may be landed, handled, manufactured or reconfigured, and reexported without the intervention of customs authorities
  • The Zone libre, the part of France during World War II to remain unoccupied by foreign troops under the June 1940 armistice between France and Germany
  • Free Zone (region), a region of Western Sahara, a disputed territory in Morocco
  • Free Zone (Scientology), a colloquial term for various groups and individuals who practice Scientology beliefs and techniques independently of the Church of Scientology and without official sanction by church authorities
  • Free Zone (film), a 2005 film directed by Amos Gitai

Freezone may refer to:

  • Salicylic acid, by trade name Freezone

Usage examples of "free zone".

They were still bunched within the confines of the mine-free zone, but the AMBAMs were doing their job, and Demosthenes' lead battlecruisers were already probing forward through the lanes.

If we don't find out what he's up to, there's a damn fine chance that someday next spring he may turn the whole Free Zone into one big mushroom cloud.

Korolyov, now a small mining town only, had revolted almost as violently as in '61, and its citizens, many of them descendants of the old prison population, had renamed the town Sergei Pavlovich Korolyov, and declared it an undocumented anarchist free zone.

They were still bunched within the confines of the mine-free zone, but the AMBAMs were doing their job, and Demosthenes' lead battle-cruisers were already probing forward through the lanes.

Phase One is about agreeing to a three-year transition in which both sides create a terror-free zone, build political and economic infrastructure, commence oil and gas operations, and begin to establish a free and vibrant Palestinian democracy committed to a peaceful two-state solution.

The leader's smile tried to turn into a chuckle, but instead it faded away: Mace's level stare was a humor-free zone.