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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Founder \Found"er\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Foundered; p. pr. & vb. n. Foundering.] [OF. fondrer to fall in, cf. F. s'effondrer, fr. fond bottom, L. fundus. See Found to establish.]

  1. (Naut.) To become filled with water, and sink, as a ship.

  2. To fall; to stumble and go lame, as a horse.

    For which his horse fear['e] gan to turn, And leep aside, and foundrede as he leep.

  3. To fail; to miscarry. ``All his tricks founder.''


vb. (en-past of: founder)

Usage examples of "foundered".

Europe and America, however, deism eventually foundered and it did so because it fell between two stools.

I remember, the day before she foundered, he told me she was in latitude forty, and Easter Island bearing due north.