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n. A foraminifer


n. marine microorganism having a calcareous shell with openings where pseudopods protrude [syn: foraminifer]

Usage examples of "foram".

De quase mil e quinhentos casos de delitos sexuais, dez por cento referiam-se a incesto e essas 150 pessoas foram condenadas por lei.

Depois, foram se associando, individualmente, homens e mulheres acima de dezoito anos de idade.

Aqui os tenho aos dous bem casados de outrora, os bem-amados, os bem-aventurados, que se foram desta para a outra vida, continuar um sonho provavelmente.

Seuilha, onde foram com grande aluoroco recebidos, assi pello crauo que traziam, como por darem hua volta ao mundo.

The different types were carefully labeled according to the best scientific theories, but the tiny crystal skeletons had been artfully positioned in their trays behind magnifying lenses: in the piped sunlight, the forams glittered in crystal constellations like jeweled tiaras and bracelets and backdrapes.

She had seen this sort of thing often enough before, but these forams were undamaged and the variety was boggling.

There was a glittering swirl of diamond dust, almost like forams, but all smudged out.

There’s way too much crystal carbon around—the diamond forams, the rockpile.

The forams are multiplying all by themselves in the rig I built for them.

But in some sedimentary rock, the diamond foram layer was hundreds of feet thick.