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n. A race run on foot


n. a race run on foot; "she broke the record for the half-mile run" [syn: foot race, run]

Usage examples of "footrace".

The stadion is also a dwarven footrace that commemorates the combined Times of the reign of the first two kings.

Sapientia smiled with the satisfaction of a slow child who has, at long last, won a footrace against its rivals.

Now, its power whispered like well-worked muscles after a footrace, like the clear light after a summer rainstorm.

And even though the pursuit was in his mind only, it was no less strenuous and intense than the footraces of his youth.

There were footraces and other athletic contests conducted with the help of magic.

Gwenlian winning a footrace, slapping limewash on the wall, eating porridge, lifting her hands in ritual.

I announced, supported by facts I felt no need to produce, that we were pitched in a final footrace, not between Manichaean political ideologies but between inventiveness and built-in insanity.

I've come to in some pretty strange places in my time: from flophouses and fifty-cent dormitories where you could hear the crickets running footraces in the woodwork, to hundred-dollar-a-night suites with mink bath mats, where little lost ladies tapped discreetly at unexpected hours, trailing ninety-dollar-a-dram smells.

Habeas managed the remarkable simultaneous feat of squealing until he sounded like a railroad engine, and outrunning the coyote in a flat footrace.