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adv. In a fluid manner.

Usage examples of "fluidly".

He squawked in panicked astonishment as his wrist stretched out fluidly and began to follow his hand into the interior.

Similar to the rekhoosh koved, as he touched an area on one side, near an earpiece, the whole metorgey safah shrunk fluidly, forming a snug fit around her head.

His ungrammatical French was the fluidly sloppy get-along speech of an Anglophone who has made his home among French-speakers for a few months, not the half-African patois of the slave quarters.

They rolled sensually, fluidly, tangled limbs and lost seconds, moments, while hands skimmed, fingers splayed, dug in and mouths stroked over flesh.

Fluidly, he slipped among the attackers, splintering spears when he could, trying to disarm the Baka Ban Mana without killing them.

She gestured fluidly, and two chipmold sclerotia appeared in the palm of her hand: one black and one a hard gemlike blue.

Yaxa walked fluidly over to the microscope, peering at the sample with one of those impossible padlike eyes.

Janeway motioned to a seat and Bolis slid fluidly into the chair before her office desk.

Accordingly I learned the language directly and immediately, fluidly, not as an architecture of grammatical cases and a series of vocabulary lists in which foreign terms stood matched with English terms.

He rose fluidly to his feet, although he had been twisted up on the hard, cold rock in full lotus position for at least an hour.

He sat atop a footstool, engaged in double-lacing his shoes, taking time between knots to watch her dress, an operation that seemed to portray the correspondence between position and time, one action generating the next, step-in, shake-into, hoist-on, her limbs and torso covered now, fluidly moving woman, her eyes appearing to follow the delicate pebbling sound of Softly's voice.

She tripped and went down on her hands and knees just as several other things raced past Jane, parted themselves fluidly around Rosemary, and launched themselves at the men.