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a. Resembling a flipper (appendage in marine mammals).

Usage examples of "flipperlike".

He drew up his massive shoulders into an imitation of dignity and waved on of his flipperlike hands toward a corner table.

Jameson for the first time noticed the vestigial limbs, six flipperlike stumps, that sprawled out uselessly from their bloated bulks.

They were sleek brown tight-furred beings, tapered in a graceful way, with robust frames and flipperlike limbs.

Malenfant saw that where her long, flipperlike hand had wrapped around the bone, it had been corroded.

He was so badly animated that no part of him moved but his pitifully stubby, flipperlike arms, his prognathous jaw, and his big googly eyes.

His diagnosis of program malfunctions was based on more subtle pointers: the presence of hypertrophied fingernails and toenails on the flipperlike appendages, the disappearance of eyelids, the milky, pearl-like luster of the membrane-covered eyes, the severe scoliosis of the spinal column.