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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fibrinous \Fi"bri*nous\ (? or ?; 277), a. Having, or partaking of the properties of, fibrin; as, fibrious exudation.


a. 1 of, pertaining to, characteristic of, resembling or having the nature of fibrin 2 composed of fibrin


adj. characterized by the presence of fibrin

Usage examples of "fibrinous".

All authors agree that the blood is not rich in fibrinous elements, but tends to feebleness and slow inflammation, which ends in maturation.

The presence of these clots in the cases of hospital gangrene, whilst they were absent in the cases in which there were no inflammatory symptoms, appears to sustain the conclusion that hospital gangrene is a species of inflammation (imperfect and irregular though it may be in its progress), in which the fibrinous element and coagulability of the blood are increased, even in those who are suffering from such a condition of the blood and from such diseases as are naturally accompanied with a decrease in the fibrinous constituent.

In cases of ulceration of the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal, the fibrinous element of the blood appeared to be increased.