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extraterrestrial being

n. a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere [syn: extraterrestrial, alien]

Usage examples of "extraterrestrial being".

I suggested that any explicit representation of an advanced extraterrestrial being was bound to have at least an element of falseness about it, and that the best solution would be to suggest, rather than explicitly to display, the extraterrestrials.

Are you sure that an extraterrestrial being far in advance of us is going to be saddled with emotions?

Near this hill they found an extraterrestrial being, an individual in ill health.

In particular their god Maguali-ga, who is said to be the opener of the gate who will make possible the breakthrough of the space deities on the Earth, seems identical with the massive extraterrestrial being who is invariably seen in the so-called Nine Suns dream.

For his part, Johann explained his reasons for believing that the sparkling particles were some kind of extraterrestrial being, or at least an alien creation of some kind, and represented a species so advanced that to us they would seem to possess magical attributes.

The one man in all of AOS that actually found an extraterrestrial being, and instead of doing the naturally military thing you took her home and hid her in your house and opaqued the windows.

The one man in all of AOS that actually found an extraterrestrial being, and instead of doing the naturally miliĀ­.