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n. (plural of extinction English)

Usage examples of "extinctions".

Clearly there was more to extinctions than could be accounted for by a single Noachian deluge, as the Biblical flood was known.

Do you know how many extinctions were associated with the Manson impact?

Australian naturalist Tim Flannery, now head of the South Australian Museum in Adelaide, became struck by how little we seemed to know about many extinctions, including relatively recent ones.

Norman Myers suggested that human activities were causing about two extinctions a week on the planet.

They had endured through the great extinctions, while families of land predators had come and gone.

The extinctions took millions of years, but the empire of the marsupials was done.

After the extinctions, life was impoverished compared to what it had been in the past, with poorer quality food and less leisure time.

Our technology has produced thalidomide, CFCs, Agent Orange, nerve gas, pollution of air and water, species extinctions, and industries so powerful they can ruin the climate of the planet.