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even off

v. adjust or make up for; "engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance" [syn: compensate, counterbalance, correct, even out, even up]

Usage examples of "even off".

He had to wait for direct observation before he could actually target his foe, while the pinnace carried missiles which could be launched even off-bore in fire-and-forget mode.

It was one of the station's secondary transporter rooms, designed to move cargo around the docking ring, but fully capable, she thought grimly, of taking Diaadul anywhere on, or even off, the station.

It's quite an elusive number, even off cover, and I know of not a single instance of one that's tied to cover.

That was one thing he'd always tried to keep track of, even off on a mission.

In the three months Klom had owned his new pet, the man and beast had become inseparable, even off-duty.

We always had guests, from other domains, from Olanje, or even off-planet.